Virtual Library

The NUC University Library system provides students with the educational resources necessary to satisfy their bibliographic needs for study, information and research.

The Virtual Library (also known as The Virtual Educational Resource Center (CRE-V)) has databases, statistics, reference sources, search engines, newspapers and these are some of the electronic resources to which you will have access. We invite you to explore this site and the services it offers so that you can move forward in your academic management.

The Virtual Library supports the educational philosophy and mission of NUC University. For this reason, it is committed to supporting the curriculum and information needs of the academic community. Online services have been created for helping students meet their information needs in order to meet academic goals.

For these purposes, the Virtual Library:

  1. Offers online information services to students and faculty.
  2. Provides information resources with a broad and multidisciplinary scope to support the institutional curriculum.
  3. Provides high quality services to the entire academic community, trying to respect equal access and intellectual freedom.

Virtual Library – Here you will find a variety of bibliographic resources to meet the information needs of the academic community.
Access here

Information Resources Guide – In this Guide, you will find all the resources (books, magazines, newspapers, videos, among others) that we have available.
Access here