Why NUC University Online Division?

NUC University has more than 30 years of experience in the higher education sector in the United States and Puerto Rico. We are an institution accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a institutional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Federal Department of Education. Our educational institution has 28 locations (6 Campuses, 13 Centers in Puerto Rico and 9 Campuses in the state of Florida) where we offer academic programs face-to-face and online modalities.

NUC University has a variety of options for your academic development. We have Associate Degrees, Baccalaureate and Master’s degrees, technical courses in the IBC Technical Division and completely online offerings in the Online Division. In addition, you have access to short courses and certifications in its Continuing Education Division, which are taught in person and/or online.

The mission of our institution is to help our students achieve their academic degree by online module and enter the world of work successfully. Our commitment is to help you and accompany you at every step. In our institution, we will do everything that corresponds to us so that you receive the necessary tools to achieve your academic goals and be able to study at a distance in a quality model.

El modelo de estudio de la División Online promueve las destrezas de colaboración, sentido analítico, trabajo en equipo y toma de decisiones basadas en un alto sentido de integridad y ética profesional a través de la plataforma Canvas.

The online study platform used by NUC University Online Division is Canvas. It stands out for its easy handling, flexibility and the opportunity to customize the dynamics required in each course. The interaction is asynchronous, which means that they are not in real time; only virtual conferences are in that mode. The student has more time to achieve his academic goal using the best platform to study online.

We are trained to serve our student population in English or Spanish, and we also offer most of our programs in both languages.

  • Allows you to study from anywhere regardless of geographical distances.
  • Meets the needs of the working student, who may not be able to attend a mainstream classroom due to time constraints.
  • It allows to study in an accelerated way with flexibility in the schedule.
  • Students and professionals with different experiences and cultures meet and share virtually through a cutting-edge technological platform.
  • Accelerated courses with starts every 7 or 9 weeks
  • We offer students tutoring, career counseling, and special online support.
  • We provide quality offerings in Spanish and English
  • Services for the attention of online students in Florida and Puerto Rico

NUC University has more than 35 years of experience in the higher education sector in the United States and Puerto Rico. It has a student population of more than 20,000 students and more than 10,000 graduates each year. We are focused on providing a personalized service to the student, with the latest technology and a dynamic study environment.

NUC University has a variety of services that complement your education such as tutoring, career counseling, and academic counseling. In addition, it provides personalized service to the student in the classroom, with the latest technology and a dynamic study environment.

Cost per credit Puerto Rico United States prices and other territories Military
Associate Degree and Baccalaureate Programs / ACEN Accredited Nursing Programs $180 $320 $275
Other programs $175 $320 $275
Graduate Programs $195 $370 $300