Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with Major in International Business

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with Major in International Business


Future Start DateAugust 26




3 years
Following the curricular sequence

The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with major in International Business prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform within the international business environment. It will also prepare students to adapt to the global environment, rapidly changing through the knowledge of economic, political, legal, ethical, and international aspects of businesses.

Bachelor’s Degree     School of Business    Online Education

Outstanding Courses

  • International and Multicultural Management
  • Legal Issues in International Business
  • International Marketing
  • International Finance
  • Policies and Business Strategies

Possible Employment Opportunities

  • International Business Manager
  • International Marketing Director
  • Multinational Sales Manager
  • Business Development Director
  • International Trade and Customs Manager or Coordinator
  • Foreign Sales Representative
  • Import and Export Specialist or Agent
  • International Customer Service Specialist Finance

Program Competencies

The student graduating will be able to:
  • Ability to communicate effectively, in oral and written form, in English and in Spanish, while employing creativity and sensibility towards an assertive communication.
  • Critically analyze economic, sociological, ethical, and political problems in the world to contribute to society and improve the quality of life.
  • Efficiently use technology and other media in the search of information for analysis and decision-making processes in businesses.
  • Examine the economic, socio-cultural, and legal-political environments surrounding international businesses.
  • Apply his/her knowledge and skills in organizations, while identifying
    opportunities and threats and developing strategies within the area of international business management.
  • Perform efficiently with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to implement solutions with a sense of duty and ethical reasoning.