
For information on our admissions requirements and specific details per program, please refer to the following link in our institutional catalog.

Download Current Catalog

We have a variety of academic programs leading to degrees.

Associate Degrees
Associate Degree in Accounting
Associate Degree in Business Administration
Associate Degree in Business Development Administration
Associate Degree in Criminal Justice
Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding
Associate Degree in Network Technology and Application Development
Associate Degree in Nursing

Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Business Intelligence
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Health Services Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Human Resources
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in International Business
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Management
Bachelor of Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Criminal Justice with Concentration in Cyber ​​Crimes
Bachelor of Criminal Justice with Concentration in Forensic Investigation
Bachelor of Criminal Justice with Concentration in National Security
Bachelor of Criminal Justice with Concentration in Human Services
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology with Concentration in Security Information
Bachelor Degree in Information Technology with Concentration in Network Administration
Bachelor Degree in Information Technology with Concentration in Analysis and Software Development
Bachelor Degree in Network Technology and Application Development
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Social Media Marketing
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in Project Management

Master’s Degree
Master’s Degree in Business Administration
Master’s Degree in Business Administration with Specialty in Human Resources
Master’s Degree in Business Administration with Specialty in Digital Marketing
Master’s Degree in Business Administration with Specialty in Planning and Strategy
Master’s Degree in Education with Specialty in Assessment and Effectiveness
Master’s Degree in Education with Specialty in Curriculum
Master’s Degree in Education with Specialty in Educational Leadership
Master’s Degree in Science in Nursing with Specialty in Education
Master Degree in Science in Nursing with specialty in Medical-Surgical and Role in Education
Master’s Degree in Science in Nursing with specialty in Medical-Surgical and Role in Management and Executive Leadership
Master’s Degree in Information Technology

Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate in Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Educational Management and Leadership
Graduate Certificate in Online Education

* Not all programs are offered in the United States. Please verify the academic offer with the staff.

The average time required to obtain an associate degree is one and a half to two and a half years, while for a baccalaureate it is three to four years. For master’s programs, the average time normally required to earn a degree is one to one and a half years *

* The average time to complete a program varies according to the study program, the academic load taken by the student and following the sequential curriculum.

NUC University is an Institution authorized by the Board of Post-Secondary Institutions (JIP), to offer certificate, associate degree, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctorate degree programs, through the certification 2024-311.

NUC University (NUC) is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) www.msche.org. NUC’s NUC University – IBC Technical Division (NUC-IBC), NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC), The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (The DAVE School), and Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA) are included in this accreditation. NUC’s accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on 2019 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.

NUC has four additional academic units: NUC University – IBC Technical Division (NUC-IBC), NUC University – Florida Technical College (NUC-FTC), The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School (The DAVE School); and Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA). Information about NUC, NUC-IBC, NUC-FTC, The DAVE School, and HAA is available at https://nuc.edu/, https://tecnicos.nuc.edu/, https://ftccollege.edu/, https://dave.nuc.edu, and https://flyhaa.com/.

In addition, NUC University has the following programmatic accreditations: NUC University’s nursing program (Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Associate Degree in Nursing) is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850 Atlanta, GA. 30326; (404) 975-5000.

The Master of Education with a Specialty in Educational Leadership is accredited based on the standards of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) until Fall 2027. CAEP is a national accrediting agency recognized by CHEA for the preparation of educators.

NUC University – Online Division offers financial assistance to students who are eligible for programs administered by the Institution. The aid offered to each student is subject to the availability of funds for the specific year of each scholarship, as well as the financial need of each student.

The available financial assistance programs administered by the Institution are:

  • Federal Pell Grant Program
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)
  • Scholarship Program for Students with Academic Talent (BETA)
  • Institutional Scholarship Program
  • Federal Work and Study Program
  • Federal Direct Loan Program

Note: Borrowed money that you have to replay with interest.

Among the alternatives available to complete your enrollment process are the following:

  • Access the following link and share your information with us and an Admissions Officer will contact you.
  • You can call 787-331-9500 or 787-331-1205 and one of our Admissions Department Officers will guide you on the process and available alternatives.
  • You can send us an email with your contact information and program of interest to onlineadmissions@nuc.edu, one of our
  • Admissions Officers will contact you.

Yes, we have a COVID-19 Exposure Control Protocol that you can access through the following link. Protocolo COVID-19

The institution has a Credit Transfer Policy; it is subject to an individualized evaluation per student. For more information access the following link Registration office

You can do it directly with your Admissions Officer or by entering the information of your family member or friend in the following link “Refer a friend” so that we can contact you and guide you.