Master’s Degree of Education with specialty in Educational Leadership
1 year
Following the curricular sequence
The Master’s Degree in Education with Specialty in Educational Leadership will provide the students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to: function as transformative leaders in public and private educational organizations, effectively, ethically and productively; promote through innovative management and instructional practices a school climate conductive to learning for all constituents; encourage the formation and strengthening of learning communities in constant development and the creation and maintenance of a service-oriented organizational culture of the highest quality to all customers. It is characterized by the attitude toward collaboration, participation and sense of commitment from all participants.
Outstanding Courses
- Ethical and Legal Aspects of Education
- Human Resources Administration
- Ethical and Transformational Leadership
- Instructional Leadership in Educational Scenarios
- Field Experiences in the Educational Scenario or Leadership for Diversity
Related License Or Certification
Una vez se gradúe, debe cumplir con los Requisitos del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico si interesa obtener la Certificación de Director de Escuela.
Possible Employment Opportunities
- Director of Public and Private Schools
- Director of a Higher Education Institution
- Educational Services Manager
- Educational Consultant
This program has two available tracks:
The Field Experience Track of the Master’s Degree in Education with Major in Educational Leadership is designed to prepare graduates to be licensed as school principals by the Puerto Rico Education Department. For more information about this licensure, contact the Division of Teaching Certification of the Puerto Rico Department of Education,
The Leadership Track of the Master’s Degree in Education with Major in Educational Leadership is designed to prepare graduates to be educational leaders. This track does not have field experiences.
Programmatic Accreditation
The Master’s Degree in Education with specialty in Educational Leadership is accredited based on the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Standards through Fall 2027. CAEP is a CHEA recognized national accreditor for educator preparation. (This accreditation applies to Arecibo, Bayamon-Online Division and Río Grande campuses. Does not apply to NUC University campuses in Florida, US).
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
It is a non-profit, non-governmental agency that accredits Educator Preparation Providers (EPP). CAEP was created with the adoption of a motion in October 2010 to consolidate the National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (TEAC). In July 1, 2013 CAEP becomes fully operational as sole accrediting body for educator preparation providers.
CAEP Advanced-level
Advanced-level programs are defined by CAEP as educator preparation programs at the post-baccalaureate or graduate levels leading to licensure, certification, or endorsement.
*Information Policies.
Program Competencies
Graduates of this program will be able to:
- Apply the principle of management in the analysis and solution of educational problems.
- Plan and implement innovative and educational change projects.
- Promote continuous and consistent growth in the professional and organizational level.
- Develop a culture of reflection and learning among all members of the school community.
- Design innovative educational interventions at curricular and administrative level.
- Display an attitude of openness to the research process.
- Deepen their knowledge on the overall performance of educational institutions and in particular on the roles of the school director in the areas of school life.
- Able to think logically, critically and make judgments appropriately weighted to enable them to contribute to the continuous improvement of education in Puerto Rico.